The First Amendment is So Important!
Have you ever wondered how it is that your elementary school child can read a phrase on a court document and then see the words 'petition' instead of 'petition for a writ of mandate?' Do you wonder how many people in the United States are prosecuted each year for crimes they did not commit, and have the charges dismissed due to a Constitutional violation?
The First Amendment is actually one of the most important amendments that we have ever passed, and it has protected us from tyrants and others for over one hundred years. By reading various Constitutional Paper Topics, you will be able to realize just how much value is put into the first amendment and how it really has changed over the years.
There are many different scenarios that can be examined, such as when the Federal Government arrests someone on an accusation of a crime, but in the process the arresting officer produces the same document as the defendant, but reads 'petition for a writ of mandate'.